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The Problem

Over the years you have developed software to standards but these were not rigorously enforced. When they were. the software was not thoroughly and independently checked.

The developers have moved on, standards have changed and now your applications are running on legacy hardware and obsolete systems.

These applications are important to you and so you maintain the out-of-date systems and technology because you can't be sure that you can migrate onto new computing surfaces. Your costs are high and, some time, something will fail.

Our Background

We have worked with CRAY, Thinking Machines, Silicon Graphics and many other linear, vector and parallel architectures. We have written in Pascal, COBOL, FORTRAN, all flavours of C and Java. We have written at the directive and assembly levels. We have experience of all major operating systems.

We understand software development from the functional, logical and encoding levels. And we have developed complete testing and quality assurance reviews.

We have developed algorithms that maximise CPU and memory performance without over-loading hardware.

Moving Forward

We can rewrite your code to rigorously enforced standards. We can undertake anything from a like-for-like conversion, to a full redesign from a functional perspective onwards.

We can develop highly performing algorithms that make the most of current memory and processor architectures to complete the operations that are important to you in better, more efficient ways than legacy algorithms. We can identify the areas that would need revision as new technologies become available.

We can help you decommission your legacy hardware.

Avoiding Future Issues

Hardware technology and architecture will always evolve. New capabilities, such as quantum computing, will demand radical changes and problems, even NP-hard mathematical problems, may be addressed differently.

We are numerical analysts, mathematicians, information scientists and software developers. We will help guide you and advise you as we see changes that may be relevant to your organisation. And, importantly, we will work with you as peers to ensure that the right minds in your organisation have people that they can bounce ideas off. And we will do this in complete confidence.