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Data Rich - Decision Poor

You have invested in policies, processes and procedures. You have a lot of data and the technology to support it. You may have embarked on CMMI or EFQM organisational performance management and maturity activities.

But, do you know what data really contributes to your organisational decision making? Do you know how well supported your decisions are? Can you respond to the right changes in your data with agility and confidence?

Probably not. And you're not alone. We help you to really understand your Decision Architecture.

Decision Architecture

We began using the term over a decade ago.

We see data and information as historic to your organisation. Important but not, in themselves, the real source of decision making.

Well run organisations make decisions about the future state and how to reach a particular destination through informed action.

Decision Architecture quantifies how data creates information, how information creates intelligence, and how intelligence supports decision.

Actions from Intelligence

We create a full picture of your data and generate measures of Data Value. We add to this by looking at the processes and applications that operate on the data; to combine, extract, convert, predict. We geenrate measures of Process Value.

We create a full picture of your information and how it is created. We generate value measures for your information.

We continue to explore how your information is turned into intelligence as this is the basis upon which decisions are made. We generate value measures for your intelligence.


Many other methods painstakingly attempt to measure decision accuracy but require static snap-shots of the architecture. Our approach allows change. If your decision architecture changes, our analysis changes with it.

So, as you add new data, improve your applications or processes or discover that there have been deteriorations, we can highlight the consequences and enable you to act before it becomes too late.

We help you to understand what data, applications and processes make the most significant contributions to your organisation.