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The Problem

At any time you have a number of projects underway. Too often small errors become compounded and, initially, go un-noticed or are ignored. Eventually issues mount up, problems occur and, suddenly, the project is failing. Significantly, this has consequences on other projects across the portfolio, to programmes and to your organisation.

Our Background

We have over 20 years of experience in troubleshooting failing projects. We have a proven systematic approach to diagnosing the causes of failure, establishing methods of recovery and turning projects around. Our tools integrate with your project, programme and portfolio management applications to provide accurate, detailed data and information that form the basis of the project recovery.

Working Together

We work along side your staff or your chosen project management consultants or providers. We help them to learn how to avoid making similar mistakes again, improving their performance and encouraging best practices that they can use repeatably and with confidence.

Preventing Problems

Why wait until a problem exists? We can work with you from the time a programme is mandated, or a project is initiated, or a service procured. We use our troubleshooting tools and methods to provide you with a health check and, should we identify areas of concern, we can work with you to identify mitigation actions to prevent major problems from occurring.